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API Class and Routing

Define the API

We learned UtilMeta’s simplest API in Hello World.

from utilmeta.core import api

class RootAPI(api.API):
    def hello(self):
        return 'world'

This simple example shows two ways to declare and organize APIs in UtilMeta.

  • API Class: Inherit utilmeta.core.api.API, in which you can declare a series of functions as APIs, or mount other API classes to define tree-like routes.
  • API function: functions in API class decoratefd with @api decorators are discovered as API endpoint.

@api Decorator

Decorator functions are built into the api module to define API endpoint functions

  • @api.get: Declare the API interface for the GET method
  • @api.put: Declare the API interface for PUT methods
  • Declare the API interface for the POST method
  • @api.patch: Declares the API interface for the PATCH method
  • @api.delete: API interface to declare DELETE method

All @api decorators support passing in parameters to specify configurations, including

  • <route>: The first parameter. You can pass in a path template string to specify the path of the API. more specific usage can refer to Path Parameters.
  • summary: API description, will be integrated into the OpenAPI documentation
  • deprecated: Whether the API is deprecated (not recommended to use)
  • idempotent: Whether the API is idempotent (multiple requests of the same params have the same effect as a single request, which is important for writing a client-side retry mechanism)
  • private: Whether the API is private. Private API do not provide public access and do not appear in the generated API documentation.


The """doc_string""" of your API class of function will be integrated to the description field of the generated OpenAPI docs, such as

class UserAPI(api.API):
    """This is the user API"""
    def login(self):
        """This is the login API"""

If @api the decorator does not specify a path template string with the first argument, it uses the name of the decorated function as the path to the API


If you need to define the path with the name of a HTTP method, you need to put that path in the path template string, like

class RootAPI(api.API):
    def get_patch(self): pass

Core methods

Functions named HTTP methods (get/put/post/patch/delete) in the API class are automatically discovered as API endpoint functions (even without @api decorator), and the path is consistent with the path of the API class. They are called core methods of the API class, such as

from utilmeta.core import api

class ArticleAPI(api.API):
    def get(self, id: int) -> ArticleSchema:
        return ArticleSchema.init(id)

    def post(self, data: ArticleSchema = request.Body):

The ArticleAPI in the example declares two core method functions, get and post, if the ArticleAPI is mounted to the /article path, calling GET/article will execute the get function, and similarly calling POST/article will execute the post function

HEAD and OPTIONS method

When you declare a GET endpoint, the path of the API automatically has the ability to respond to the HEAD method request. (by return a response that is consistent with the headers and status code of the GET API, but with empty body) For any method's API path, it will have the ability to respond to OPTIONS method requests, and will return headers such as allowed origin, methods, headers. So you don't need to declare the HEAD or OPTIONS API

API Mount and Routing

In addition to defining the endpoints in the API class, we can also mount an API class to another API class by means of API mounting, so as to define the tree-like routing. The usage of API mounting is as follows

from utilmeta.core import api

class ArticleAPI(api.API):
    def feed(self): pass

class UserAPI(api.API):
    def login(self): pass

class RootAPI(api.API):
    article: ArticleAPI
    user: UserAPI

The API is mounted by declaring the type annotation. In this example, we mount the ArticleAPI on the RootAPI's article path and the UserAPI on the user path, thus forming the following routes

/ ------------------ RootAPI
/article ----------- ArticleAPI
/article/feed ------ ArticleAPI.feed
/user -------------- UserAPI
/user/login -------- UserAPI.login

Configure routing using @api.route

There is a @api.route decorator used to configure the route for the entire API class. The usage is as follows

from utilmeta.core import api, request

class CommentAPI(api.API):
    def get(self, slug: str = request.PathParam): pass

class ArticleAPI(api.API):
    comments: CommentAPI

class RootAPI(api.API):
    article: ArticleAPI

The route defined in @api.route will overrides the mounted attribute, so the route declared in the example is as follows

/ ------------------------- RootAPI
/article ------------------ ArticleAPI
/article/{slug}/comments -- CommentAPI

Where all endpoints of the CommentAPI will have a path parameter named slug

@api.route is similar to other API decorators, you can define the following parameters in addition to the path string

  • summary: API description, will be integrated into the OpenAPI documentation
  • deprecated: Whether the API is deprecated (not recommended to use)
  • private: Whether the API is private. Private API do not provide public access and do not appear in the generated API documentation.

Mounting the root API

In UtilMeta, all API classes need to be eventually mounted on an API class to provide access, which is root API (usually named RootAPI), and the root API also needs to be mounted on the service.

In Hello World, we have seen a way to mount the root API.

from utilmeta import UtilMeta
from utilmeta.core import api
import django

class RootAPI(api.API):
    def hello(self):
        return 'world'

service = UtilMeta(

There are two parameters in the initialization of UtllMeta service to mount the root API

  • api: Pass in the root API class or its reference string.
  • route: The path of the root API, which is empty by default

For example, when your service runs at the address, the url of the root API is at, and the url of the hello endpoint is

Alternatively, you can use Reference string to mount root API in the following way

from utilmeta import UtilMeta
import django

service = UtilMeta(
from utilmeta.core import api

class RootAPI(api.API):
    def hello(self):
        return 'world'

This approach is also known as Lazy loading, is often used to handle circular dependencies, where the root API is loaded before the service is started.

!!! Tip “Reference string” Reference string stand for the import path in the current project, including the package, module and class name, for instance, if you can import the class in the following way

from service.api import RootAPI
The reference string of the RootAPI is 'service.api.RootAPI'

In addition, the mount method of UtilMeta service can also be used to mount the root API.

from utilmeta import UtilMeta

service = UtilMeta(...)

class RootAPI(api.API):
    def hello(self):
        return 'world'

It is important to note that a service can only mount one root API, regardless of the method used

Django mount strategy

If you are using Django as a backend or ORM, you need to mount the root API using the reference string method, because Django needs to be setup before loading the models. This process will be automatically completed by the built-in DjangoSettings in UtilMeta before the service starts. However, if you import the API class and Django models before that, the following error will occur

Requested setting INSTALLED_APPS, but settings are not configured, ...  

Use API class

Get the current request

In the API function, you can get the current request object through self.request. The commonly used attributes are

  • method: HTTP method of the current request
  • url: Full URL path of the request (including protocol, domain name, path and query string)
  • query: A query string dict of the request
  • headers: A headers dict of the request
  • body: body data of the request
  • time: The requested time, returning an datetime
  • ip_address: IP address of the request, return one of ipaddress.IPv4Address or ipaddress.IPv6Address

Here is a simple usage example, returning the IP address of the current request

from utilmeta.core import api

class RootAPI(api.API):
    def ip(self) -> str:
        return str(self.request.ip_address)


You can use self.request.adaptor to get the Adaptor object of the request which contains the original request of the runtime backend you used, For instance, if you are using starlette as runtime backend, self.request.adaptor.request will give you the starlette.requests.Request object

General parameters

If all endpoints in an API class need to carry a certain parameter, the parameter can be declared as a general parameter of the API class. By define it as a property in the API class. We modify the CommentAPI in the above example.

from utilmeta.core import api, request

class CommentAPI(api.API):
    slug: str = request.SlugPathParam

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.article = Article.objects.filter(slug=self.slug).first()
        if not article:
            raise exceptions.NotFound('article not found')

    def get(self):
        return CommentSchema.serialize(

    def post(self, comment: CommentSchema[orm.A] = request.Body):
        comment.article_id =

CommentAPI uses @api.route to specify a path template string for the entire API class, so you can declare the slug parameter directly as a class property of the API, so that all the endpoints can access it directly without repeating the declaration

We directly access slug and query the corresponding article instance in the initialization function of the CommentAPI, so that we can directly use the article instance in the API functions. Here you can also see the convenience of using the API class.

All general parameters need to specify a utilmeta.core.request class as the value of the property. You can learn all request attributes in Handle request . The commonly used ones are

  • request.PathParam: Define path parameter
  • request.QueryParam: Define query parameter
  • request.HeaderParam: Define request header parameter
  • request.CookieParam: Define Cookie parameter

Call API at runtime

To better reuse API logic, you may need to call other API endpoints in an API function, which is very simple to implement in UtilMeta.

All API endpoints in UtilMeta are an instance function of the API class, so you need to initialize the corresponding API class before calling the endpoint function. There are two methods.

Initialization by mount

If you call the mounted API of the current API class, you can get a automatically-initialized API instance by access using self. You can directly call the method in it by passing the parameters, as shown in

from utilmeta.core import api, request

class CommentAPI(api.API):
    def get(self, slug: str = request.PathParam) -> List[CommentSchema]:
        return CommentSchema.serialize(

class ArticleAPI(api.API):
    comments: CommentAPI

    def get(self, id: int) -> ArticleSchema:
        data = ArticleSchema.init(id)
        data.comments = self.comments.get(slug=data.slug)
        return data

In this example, we called the initialized instance of CommentAPI by self.comments, you can directly call the get function of CommentAPI to get all the comments on the current post.


Using the type-annotation syntax to mount API, you will find that when you calling them in the API methods, you can fully gain the IDE's type hinting and attributes autocompletion ability


You can also initialize and call the API class by yourself. The initialization parameter of the API class is a Request object, and the current request object can be accessed through self.request. So you can get the API instance directly through CommentAPI(self.request)

from utilmeta.core import api, request

class CommentAPI(api.API):
    def get(self, slug: str = request.PathParam) -> List[CommentSchema]:
        return CommentSchema.serialize(

class ArticleAPI(api.API):
    def get(self, id: int) -> ArticleSchema:
        data = ArticleSchema.init(id)
        data.comments = CommentAPI(self.request).get(slug=data.slug)
        return data

Inheritance and composition

You can also mount multiple API classes to a path by inheritance. Examples are as follows

from utilmeta import UtilMeta
from utilmeta.core import api

class UserAPI(api.API):
    def login(self): pass

class ArticleAPI(api.API):
    def feed(self): pass

class RootAPI(UserAPI, ArticleAPI): pass
    def hello(self):
        return 'world'

The defined path is to combine the interfaces of the inherited API classes.

/ --------- RootAPI
/feed ----- ArticleAPI.feed
/login ---- UserAPI.feed
/hello ---- RootAPI.hello


You can't have conflicted path in composition APIs

Generate response

For a simple API, you can return the result data directly, and UtilMeta will automatically process it as a 200 HTTP response, but UtilMeta still has a sound response template and generation system, where you can define the status code, headers and data structure by yourself.

Let’s look at a simple example of a response template.

from utilmeta.core import api, response

class WrapResponse(response.Response):
    result_key = 'data'
    message_key = 'msg'

class RootAPI(api.API):
    response = WrapResponse

    def hello(self):
        return 'world'

All API responses of UtilMeta are inherited from utilmeta.core.response.Response. The example specified a template for the response, so the return data of the API function is wrapped as a JSON object, in which result_key specified key corresponds to the result data. The message_key specified key corresponds to the error message, injected into the API class through the response attribute slot.

So when we access hello the interface, we get

{"data": "world", "msg": ""}

When you access a path that doesn’t exist, you can also see that the error message has been processed.

{"data": null, "msg": "NotFound: not found"}

If you only want the response template applied in a single endpoint, you can directly declare it as the return type of the API function, such as

from utilmeta.core import api, response

class WrapResponse(response.Response):
    result_key = 'data'
    message_key = 'msg'

class RootAPI(api.API):
    def hello(self) -> WrapResponse:
        return 'world'


Usually along with the return type annotation, you should use return WrapResponse('world') to return, but even if you forget to do so, UtilMeta will generate the right response based on your declaration

Template fields

A class that inherits Response can specify the following properties to define the response template

  • name: The name of the response template, which will be integrated into the API documentation.
  • description: The description of the response template, will be integrated into the API documentation.
  • status: The default status code of the response template

You can also specify the following template parameters to wrap the result of the API function as a JSON object as the response body

  • result_key: Key name of the corresponding returned result data
  • message_key: Key name of the corresponding error message
  • count_key: Key name of the corresponding total number of results, often used for paged queries.
  • state_key: Key name of user-defined action state code.

There are also two special fields for which you can specify a type annotation to generate the corresponding API response document

  • result: Specify the type and structure of the response data.
  • headers: Specifies the structure of the response headers


If the response template defined result_key, the result here refers to the data corresponding to the result_key key. Otherwise, it refers to the entire response body data

The following is an example of a response template

class MultiArticlesResponse(response.Response):
    result_key = 'articles'
    count_key = 'articlesCount'
    description = 'list of objects when path param [slug] is not provided'
    name = 'multi'
    result: List[ArticleSchema]


By default, the result and headers schema defined in the response template is only used in template generation with no validation, but you can define the strict = True in the Response class to perform the strict validation.

Response parameters

All response templates can be instantiated into response instances with the following params

  • result: The first parameter is the returned result data
  • status: Status code of the response.
  • headers: A dict for the response headers.
  • cookies: A dict for response Set-Cookie pairs.
  • error: Pass a Python Exception object, will be processed as the corresponding response.
  • state: Incoming business status code, valid only when the template is specified state_key
  • message: Incoming message, valid only when the template is message_key specified
  • count: The number of results passed in, valid only when the template is count_key specified


If the response template defined result_key, the result is the data corresponding to the result_key key. Otherwise, it will be to the entire response body data.

Here is an example of constructing a response

from utilmeta.core import api, request, orm, response

class MultiArticlesResponse(response.Response):
    result_key = 'articles'
    count_key = 'articlesCount'
    description = 'list of objects when path param [slug] is not provided'
    name = 'multi'
    result: List[ArticleSchema]

class ArticleAPI(api.API):
    def list(self, author_id: int, limit: int = 10) -> MultiArticlesResponse:
        base_qs = Article.objects.filter(author_id=author_id)
        return MultiArticlesResponse(

We use MultiArticlesResponse to construct the corresponding response in the get list endpoint, and the returned response body structure should be

    "articles": [],
    "articlesCount": 0


Even if you didn't defined a response property in the API class, you can still access self.request in API function and get a Response class, so in any endpoints, you can use return self.response(...) to construct response

Hook mechanism

In the API class, you can also define a special function called Hook, which can applied on one or more endpoints and sub-routes of the API class to perform operations such as custom verification, data preprocessing, response processing, and error handling. The types of hook functions in the API class are

  • Before hook: is called before the API function is executed, using @api.before to define
  • After hook: is called after the API function is executed, using @api.after to define
  • Error hook: is called when an API function or hooks throws an error, using @api.handle to define

@api.before hook

The @api.before hook is called before the target function is executed. It is mostly used for operations such as custom verification and data preprocessing, such as

from utilmeta.core import api, request, orm, response

class CommentAPI(api.API):
    slug: str = request.SlugPathParam

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.article: Optional[Article] = None

    async def get(self) -> ListResponse:
        return await CommentSchema.aserialize(

    async def post(self, comment: CommentSchema[orm.A] = request.Body):
        comment.article_id =
        await comment.asave()

    @api.before(get, post)
    async def handle_article_slug(self):
        article = await Article.objects.filter(slug=self.slug).afirst()
        if not article:
            raise exceptions.NotFound('article not found')
        self.article = article

@api.before decorator can pass in multiple API functions or API classes, and the hook function will be executed before the corresponding endpoints or routes is called, so you can write reusable logic before processing the request.

In this example, the handle_article_slug hook function we defined will be called before the get and post methods are executed, thus processing the path parameter slug to get the corresponding article object.

In addition, if you need hook functions to work on all interfaces within the API class, you can use the

Async hooks

If you are wring sync API functions, the logic before executing All APIs can be placed in the __init__ function, but if those logic contains asynchronous (async / await), you should declare an asynchronous before hook

@api.after hook

The @api.after hook is called after the target function is executed, the hook function can receive the response generated by the target API function, process and return, such as

from utilmeta.core import api

class RootAPI(api.API):
    user: UserAPI
    article: ArticleAPI

    def add_timestamp(self, resp):
        resp.headers['Server-Timestamp'] = int(self.request.time.timestamp() * 1000)
        return resp

The first parameter of the after hook function will pass in the response object returned by the API, which is a Response instance. In this example, add_timestamp hook will process the responses of all endpoints in the RootAPI and add 'Server-Timestamp' fields to their headers.


In all the hook decorators, '*' means to hook all the endpoints and sub-routes of the current API class

In addition, you can also generate responses for the endpoints in batches using after hook, and the return value of the after hook will replace the return value of the API function as the response, such as

from utilmeta.core import api, orm, request

class SingleArticleResponse(response.Response):
    result_key = 'article'
    name = 'single'
    result: ArticleSchema

class ArticleAPI(api.API):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.article = None

    async def get_article(self): pass

    async def update_article(self, article: ArticleSchema[orm.WP] = request.Body): =
        await article.asave()

    @api.before(get_article, update_article)
    async def handle_slug(self, slug: str = request.SlugPathParam):
        article = await Article.objects.filter(slug=slug).afirst()
        if not article:
            raise exceptions.NotFound('article not found')
        self.article = article

    @api.after(get_article, update_article)
    async def handle_result(self) -> SingleArticleResponse:
        return SingleArticleResponse(
            await ArticleSchema.ainit(self.article)

In this example, get_article and update_article requires the same request processing and result generation logic, so we define a before hook and a after hook to reuse the logic.

The before hook parses the slug path parameter to get the article instance and assigned to self.article, and the after hook serializes the article instance then returns it.


The example above shows that you can pass infomation among endpoints and hooks through the instance attribute defined in __init__ method, that is also a convenience of using API class

Response generation rules

In UtilMeta, there are three ways to declare a Response template

  • Declared in the return annotation of the API function
    class RootAPI(api.API):
        def get(self) -> WrapResponse: pass
  • Declared in the return annotation of the after hook.
    class RootAPI(api.API):
        def handle_response(self) -> WrapResponse: pass
  • Declared in response attribute of the API class
    class RootAPI(api.API):
        response = WrapResponse

If a function declares a Response template, the return value will be processed through the template. If an API class declares an response attribute, it will also get the response of the corresponding template after calling.

If the API function or API class does not have a response template, the result data will be returned all the way until any API class of after hooks with the response template

When a Response instance is formed, the subsequent response template will not applied to it. Thus the generation of response follows the The nearest priority principle.

@api.handle hook

A variety of errors can occur in API functions, and sometimes you need to actively throw errors when a failure condition is detected. By default, UtilMeta catches all errors thrown by the API functions and returns a response withe status code and message based on the exception

But in addition, you can also use the @api.handle hook to customize the error handling logic. The parameters of the hook decorator are the target API functions or API class, and the type of exception to be handled. The way to use it is as follows

from utilmeta.core import api, response
from utilmeta.utils import exceptions as exc
from utilmeta.utils import Error

class State:
    INVALID_PARAMS = 400000
    AUTH_FAILED = 400001
    PASSWORD_WRONG = 400002
    NOT_FOUND = 400004

class RootAPI(api.API):
    user: UserAPI

    class response(response.Response):
        message_key = 'msg'
        result_key = 'data'

    @api.handle(UserAPI, exc.Unauthorized, exc.PermissionDenied)
    def handle_user_auth(self, e: Error):
        return self.response(state=State.AUTH_FAILED, error=e)

    @api.handle('*', exc.Notfound)
    def handle_not_found(self, e: Error):
        return self.response(state=State.NOT_FOUND, error=e)

In this example, we have declared two error handling hooks that specify different action state codes for different types of errors

  • handle_user_auth: Handle the exc.PermissionDenied and exc.Unauthorized errors in the UserAPI, and specify them as the State.AUTH_FAILED state code (in state parameters).
  • handle_not_found: Handle all exc.Notfound errors, specify them as the State.NOT_FOUND state code


By passing exception to error param, response can use it's error message and default status code

The first parameter in the error handling hook passes an Error instance, which is a wrapper around a Python Exception to get the error information in it. The properties are

  • exception: the wrapped Python Exception instance.
  • type: the type of the error instance, such as ValueError, TypeError, etc., is a subclass of Exception
  • traceback: the stack trace of the exception
  • message: a string containing the exception type, exception information, and exception call stack, similar to the format of Python’s automatic error message output.
  • status: Response status code corresponding to the error by default. For example 400 for exc.BadRequest by default, and 404 for exc.Notfound by default.

Default error handling

The default error handling logic in UtilMeta is

  • The error message will be processed as message in response construction parameter, and will be the message_key corresponding value if declared.
  • Generate status code according to the type of error. If the corresponding type is not identified, a 500 response will be returned

Common error types in development include

HTTP Standard Error

utilmeta.utils.exceptions defined many HTTP standard errors, which will be automatically identified with corresponding response codes. Common HTTP standard errors are as follows

  • BadRequest: Thrown when the request parameter verification fails. The default is to return a 400 response.
  • Unauthorized: Thrown when the authentication component detects that the request does not carry authentication credentials, and the default is to return a 401 response
  • PermissionDenied: Thrown when the requesting user does not meet the permissions required by the API. The default is to return a 403 response.
  • Notfound: Thrown when the requested path does not exist, and the default is to return a 404 response.
  • MethodNotAllowed: Thrown when the requested method is not in the method supported by the request path. The default is to return a 405 response.

Python standard error

Some Python standard errors also recognize response codes.

  • PermissionError: Thrown when the system command and other operation permissions are insufficient, and the default is to return a 403 response.
  • FileNotFoundError: Thrown when the file path does not exist, and the default is to return a 404 response.
  • NotImplementedError: The interface has not been implemented, and the default is to return a 501 response.
  • TimeoutError: Thrown when the timeout condition of the interface is not met, the default is to return a 503 response.

When writing API functions, you can follow short-circuit priority strategy, handle the failure in the function logic as early as possible and throw errors. The errors you throw can be properly handled and the corresponding response can be generated without causing service problems. You can also handle errors by defining error handling hooks in the upper layer.